On July 25, Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc. and a few like minded businesses and friends were honored to participate in a fundraiser for Hate Has No Home – Central Florida and Lakeland Loves. It was an incredible night where we could mingle with other organizations, eat great food (the event was hosted by the Chop Shop), and donate school supplies for local children in need. Rose Dynasty donated 2 tickets for our upcoming dinner show with Hope Kid and a Rose Dynasty t-shirt to raffle off, as well as, many “Loved, Accepted, Wanted” bracelets to give away. We made so many wonderful new connections from Big Cat Rescue, CAIR Florida, and Acceptance Insurance to folks campaigning for Congressional Democratic candidate, Ray Pena.
Many thanks to those that came out in support of this wonderful organization that started right here, in Lakeland, Florida. It is so heartwarming to see all of these groups expressing messages of love and acceptance coming from our area. Thank you to Greg Williams for organizing the event and non-profit. May you continue to see growth and success throughout Florida and the United States. And a special thanks to Kandye Tucker, Bobbie and Katie Hardison, Michelle and Noah Fogleson, Marbelis Wonders, the Lakeland Police Department and Chop Shop for your support.